About us
Hi! I'm Kevin. I'm a lifelong musician and software developer, husband, father, and more. These days, I'm focused on serving the needs of authors online by building TextileSites. Early on, I worked as an audio engineer at Big Blue Meenie Recording Studios, helping musicians capture their best performances and share them with their fans. Later, I worked as a software developer at OtherPeoplesPixels for over ten years, helping visual artists create great portfolio websites. In 2023, I left my role at OtherPeoplesPixels to start Abstract Goods and have enjoyed working directly with creative brands and musicians.

Meanwhile, my partner in life has completed her first novel and is working to launch her author career. On top of writing the novel and querying agents, the added task of starting an author website and newsletter to build her author platform was a bit overwhelming to say the least. We looked at the options available to authors and found there was room for improvement. So with our shared love of the arts and our combined experience, we decided to throw our hat in the ring by launching TextileSites—the best way for authors to build their brand and connect with readers online.
—Kevin and Alia